The Light Source Mini-Universal Plasma Mount (ライトソース) [新品]

The Light Source Mini-Universal Plasma Mount (ライトソース) [新品]



The Mini-Universal Plasma Mount offers a smaller profile option for small Plasma or LCD screens. Each bar is 11" long. One Mega-Slim Coupler (MSCM-1/2CS) is attached to each bar. The Universal Plasma Mount-2 comes with two Mega-Slim Couplers per bar. Fits pipe and 12" Truss. The two mounting bars are bolted with two 8mm or 10mm bolts per bar to the screens. (The 8mm or 10mm bolts are not included.) The support holes are drilled for the 50, 100, 150 and 200 VESA standards.

The Mini-Universal Plasma Mount is sold as a set and includes two mounting bars and two Mega-Slim Couplers (one per bar).The Mini Universal Plasma Mount-2 is sold as a set and includes two mounting bars and four Mega-Slim couplers (two per bar).

・Working Load Limit
 250 Pounds
 None included.
 1″ × 1′ × 11″ each bar
 3.7 lbs.

